Blackwork Biscornu Design

I’ve been playing around with a cross stitch programme and had a go at creating a design for a blackwork biscornu. This is my first attempt at using a computer programme for cross stitch designs – I usually just sketch things out on graph paper, but that’s not exactly handy for uploading the designs to the web and sharing with other.

I think I’ll stitch this one for my February biscornu.

If you like it, please feel free to use it and send me a photo of your finished piece.

Now for the permissions bit:

  • This design is copyright to Kell Smurthwaite.
  • You may use, copy and/or share this design, and you may change it to your liking for your own use. You may not sell this design in any form or use it to make up kits.
  • You may sell the finished piece for charity, but you may not sell it commercially.

5 responses to “Blackwork Biscornu Design

  1. That’s lovely Kell, can’t wait to see your finished piece! What programme is that you’re using? 🙂

  2. It’s a free downloadable programme called K G Stitch. It’s not perfect, but it’s very simple to use and as I’m completely new to this, I didn’t want to fork out a load of cash only to find I didn’t like it, so I thought I’d try a freebie first. I’ll play around with this programme for a while before deciding whether or not I’ll buy a more complicated programme.

    And thank you. I had fun playing around with it and look forward to stitching the biscornu. 🙂

  3. wow! such a lovely design, I’ve downloaded it, and will try to stitch it soon.
    well done on desiging!

  4. Thank you, Luisa. I hope you’ll checkout my other blog, Kincavel Krosses, and enjoy my other designs too. 🙂

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