Tuesday Memes

teaser Tuesday
dead reckoning (Southern Vampires 11)
by charlaine harris

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Just do the following:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a random page
3. Share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
4. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
5. Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My teaser:

I felt heat on my thighs and looked down to see that my apron had been ignited by one of the napkins. I’m ashamed to say that I screamed.

page 9, Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris

With her knack for being in trouble’s way, Sookie witnesses the firebombing of Merlotte’s, the bar where she works. Since Sam Merlotte is now known to be two-natured, suspicion falls immediately on the anti-shifters in the area. Sookie suspects otherwise, but her attention is divided when she realizes that her lover Eric Northman and his “child” Pam are plotting to kill the vampire who is now their master. Gradually, Sookie is drawn into the plot-which is much more complicated than she knows…

What I think of it so far:
I was a little disappointed with some of the more recent books in the Southern Vampires series and felt they were kind of going off the boil a bit, but this one seems to be back on form and so far I love it. There’s a little more of the whole fairy business than I’d ideally like to see, but there is plenty of vampire and shapeshifter action in there too, so I’m happy.


top ten Tuesday
top ten books that broke your heART A LITTLE

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created and hosted at Broke and Bookish.

My top ten heartbreaking (well, a little heartbreaking, at least) reads are as follows (click the titles to be taken either to my review or the Fantastic Fiction info):

  1. James Long – Ferney
  2. Khaled Hosseini – The Kite Runner
  3. Daniel Keyes – Flowers For Algernon
  4. Nicholas Sparks – The Notebook
  5. Terry Trueman – Stuck in Neutral
  6. John Boyne – The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
  7. Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyre
  8. David Baddiel – The Secret Purposes
  9. Kim Edwards – The Memory Keeper’s Daughter
  10. Maggie O’Farrell – The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox

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17 responses to “Tuesday Memes

  1. How could I forget The Boy in Striped Pajamas? So heartbreaking.</3

  2. The Notebook was such a tear jerker!

  3. I really enjoyed Dead Reckoning (for the most part), which was a good thing as I was on the verge of just leaving the series. Also, great Top Ten!

  4. I have not read the Sookie books (A) and I do not think I will do so.. because I love the show, and I love Bill more than anything. ❤ which people tell me I won't if I read the books :p Still, awesome teaser 😀
    And oh, I haven't read any of your top ten books (A) but they do seem awesome 😀
    Thank you for commenting on my Top Ten. ❤
    Love, Carina @ Carina’s Books

  5. The Kite Runner and Boy in the Striped Pajamas were both heartbreaking. I thought about putting them on the list. The Notebook was definitely sad, but also bittwersweet.

    And Jane Eyre did manage to break my heart and then slowly mend it. That book is great.

    Great picks as always.

    My Teaser Tuesday/Top Ten Tuesday post is here

    Happy reading!

    ~Danica Page
    Taking It One Page at a Time

  6. The Kite Runner, Flowers For Algernon and Jane Eyre- YES! Especially Flowers for Algernon, which is pretty much heartbreaking the whole way through but I still love it so much!

  7. When I read “I felt heat on my thighs” I thought something else entirely! Fairies? Vampires? Shape-shifters? Sounds like there’s a lot going on in Dead Reckoning!
    Here’s my teaser: Sandy’s Teaser

  8. Oh, gosh… Jane Eyre! As many times as I’ve experienced this one it it still breaks my heart when she leaves!

  9. Interesting teaser! I’ve only come to #8 in this series, I’m looking froward to reading Dead Reckoning. Here is my TT.

  10. Lord, I’d completely forgotten about Flowers for Algernon. I read that for a class in middle school and nearly lost my mind. I don’t have the spine for that kind of story.

    Jane Eyre is indeed heartbreaking. But the ending is perfection itself.

  11. Oh, The Notebook. HEART SLAYER. Such a perfect book for this list! I cried when I read the book and I cried when I saw the movie. So heartbreaking!

  12. Hi! Thanks for the visit to my blog!

    That’s quite an attention grabbing teaser. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Jane Eyre – Yes! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this one! And The Memory Keepers Daughter. That one broke my heart slowly and cruely 😦

  14. Good call on the Kite Runner. Have you read A Thousand Splendid Suns by the same author? I think that book broke my heart even more. Thank you for dropping by my blog.


  15. Jane Eyre exhibits the type of heartbreak I love. It’s almost beautiful in its sadness and hope, and such a good choice.