Booking Through Thursday – Fan Fiction

Hosted by Booking Through Thursday

Have you every written any fan-fiction? If yes, why and for which book(s)? If no, would you like to and for which books(s)?
For that matter, do you ever READ fan-fiction?

Short answer, no and no.

I do love reworked fairytales, but I’m not really a fan of reading “what if?” stories based on other works, and never have been.

On the writing side of things, well I have written a few short stories in my time, but nothing specifically fan-fictiony. I did write a reworked version of a fairytale called The True and Completely Accurate Tale of Hansel and Gretel, which you can find HERE on my old blog.

9 responses to “Booking Through Thursday – Fan Fiction

  1. I love reworked fairy tales! There’s something awesome about reading something both familiar and brand new at the same time.

    My BTT post is here if you’d like a look 🙂

  2. I love reading about reworked fairy tales but dont think i could write anything myself. (have you seen that show once upon a time – so good) Here’s my BTT
    Happy Reading!
    Cathy @ Addicted to Books

  3. Fairy tales are meant to be reworked, right? I mean, how else would we have so many versions 🙂 Thanks for sharing your!

    Here’s my BTT ~ House Millar series


  4. Re-worked fairy tales are amazing, but I’m really picky when it comes to the re-working on stories.

    Thanks for stopping by my BTT!

  5. I think fan-fiction is an interesting concept, but I don’t have any ability when it comes to writing any myself.

  6. Was not sure what Fan-fiction was, never heard the name before, but here is my answer:

  7. I also like reworked fairytales!

    Thanks for stopping by.