Friday Finds

What great books did you hear about / discover this past week? Share with us your FRIDAY FINDS!

By following links to blogs taking part in various memes, I’ve heard about so many great books it would be impossible to list them all. I’m also a regular visitor to our local library and am always eagerly awaiting newly published books by my favourite authors. However, here are the ones that really stood out for me this week and for which I’ll be looking out on future book acquisition expeditions:

They’ve all gone onto my wish list!

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4 responses to “Friday Finds

  1. I haven’t heard about much of any books this week but discovered some old works during my research for work. The next books I read will likely be “Start Where You Are” by Pema Chodron and “Two Nations” by Andrew Hacker.

  2. Thanks for dropping by!!!

  3. Cool, and thanks for stopping by my blog 🙂

  4. I have the seven kingdom trilogy but haven’t had a chance to read them yet. Great picks, thanks for stopping by.