Top Ten Tuesday – Childhood Favourites

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created and hosted at Broke and Bookish.

My Top Ten Childhood Favourites are:

  1. Ronia the Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren
    I desperately wanted to be Ronia, living wild and free in a forest filled with wild harpies, grey dwarves, and other fairy folk!
  2. The Chronicles of Narnia by C S Lewis
    With the exception of the third book (A Horse and his Boy) I adore this series. Whenever I re-read them I just skip over the third one…
  3. The Mallory Towers series by Enid Blyton
    I begged my parents to send me to boarding school, with visions of midnight feasts, outdoor swimming pools and jolly hockey sticks. I fear the reality would have been far different, so I’m glad they said no!
  4. The Snow Spider Trilogy by Jenny Nimmo
    This is a completely magical trilogy and I’ve re-read it many times over the years. It’s always just as beautiful.
  5. The Nursery Alice by Lewis Carroll
    Long before I ever read the full-length version, I had this abridged one, beautifully illustrated and lovingly told. I’ve already read it to Xander several times.
  6. Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh
    I loved Harriet’s imagination. I too would have loved to have been a spy. Or a writer. So this appealed to me on both levels!
  7. Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
    Such a sad story, but so beautiful that I loved it despite being terrified of spiders!
  8. The Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder
    I devoured this entire series and was completely enthralled by the whole idea of living ni a little house and having a certain job for each day of the week, growing your own food, and having that whole prairie as a playground!
  9. Starring Sally J Freedman As Herself by Judy Blume
    This is the Judy Blume book that I read over and over again. I was already on the stage, so Sally’s daydreams casting herself as a movie star really appealed to me.
  10. Wonderful Fairy Stories retold by Lornie Leete-Hodge
    I still have this book with the most gorgeous illustrations you’ve ever seen. It’s now on Xander’s bookcase and I know I’m going to spend many happy hours reading these stories to him!

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27 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Childhood Favourites

  1. I think I’ve had such a deprived childhood… I haven’t read any of the books you’ve mentioned! Well, apart from The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. *sigh*

  2. I nearly put Charlotte’s Web on my list too; it’s such a lovely story, and probably the first book to ever make me cry.

  3. Miss Anderson

    I love your slideshow of book covers! I’d never thought of doing that to accompany my TTT posts.
    Sometimes I feel like the only person who never read Enid Blyton. But I did read Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself. It came in a box set with Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, Just As Long As We’re Together, and It’s Not The End of the World. I read all four like it was my JOB, even if Margaret and JALAWT were my favorites.

  4. Can you believe that I have never read Charlotte’s Web? How is that possible? I will be correcting that in the near future! Great list! I want to read about Ronia now!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Gotta love The Chronicles of Narnia. They will be classic, great reads forever!

  6. Yay for Judy Blume! I remember reading Charlotte’s Web and Little House too. Such great memories.

  7. I loved Charlotte’s Web and Harriet the Spy growing up, I forgot all about those when I racked my brain last night for my last 3 books, lol, great picks!

  8. excellent list. judy blume will always speak to me!

  9. great list! Can you believe it that I have only read the Narnia book out of all of those -P

  10. Can you believe I have not yet read Narnia? I feel kind of bad about that! I liked Charlotte’s Web, but not when Charlotte died… I was a very tender little thing. lol. Great list! Thanks for visiting my blog today. 🙂

    – Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

    • You’ve never been to Narnia??? Please book your passage immediately. You can travel by various means inclusing rings, wardrobes and paintings. Failing that, a good bookshop wil lb able to help you out. 😉

  11. We do have a lot of the same titles and authors! I also loved Mallory Towers, and Starring Sally J. Freedman. (Pretty much all Judy Blume’s titles to be honest!). Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my Top Ten. Great blog, btw 🙂

  12. How can anyone not love Charlottes Web, great choices as well. Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Love Charlotte’s Web.

  14. Awesome list! I wanted to be Harriet the Spy so bad in the fourth grade!

    Charlotte’s Web changed me forever. It was the book that made 7 year old me realize that life didn’t always have happy happy endings.

    Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  15. Ooh, I enjoyed Charlotte’s Web and Harriet the Spy as well. All of these books make me think of the ‘good old’ days.

    Thanks for visiting my top ten.

  16. Funny how I completely missed Enid Blyton growing up!

  17. I liked the Little House books, too, but I forgot about them 🙂 It’s been a long time since I’ve read them.

  18. Reading everyone’s top ten lists has made me so nostalgic! I’d completely forgotten about Charlotte’s Web, but that was one of my favorites, too! =)

  19. Ooh great list! I actually don’t recognize a few of those books! 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Michele | Top 10

  20. Love Narnia. I’d not heard of the Snow Spider trilogy: time to add to my burgeoning TBR pile! Thanks for this stellar suggestion!

  21. Thanks for hopping by my blog. Judy Blume books were amazing!

  22. Oh my! Oh my! I can’t believe I forgot all about Mallory Towers…I LOVED that series!…. Very nice reads all! 🙂

  23. Can’t believe I forgot to include Judy Blume on my list!
    You have a lot of interesting books on your list :D.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog ^^

  24. Ahhhh Chronicles of Narnia, Little House books, Charlotte’s Web and Malory Towers! all amazing books 🙂 of course, now everything’s flooding back to me. Who could forget the horrible Gwen in the M. Towers series?? I don’t think I actually finished all 6 books though, so I really need to soon 🙂 Great list!

  25. This weeks TTT was just so much fun to read 🙂