Booking Through Thursday – E-volution

Hosted by Booking Through Thursday

E-readers like the Kindle and iPad are sweeping the nation … do you have one? Do you like it? Do you find it changes your reading/buying habits? If you don’t have one, do you plan to?

I don’t have an e-reader – yet! When it comes to reading large swathes of text on a computer screen, I have major problems, so reading e-books has been pretty much impossible for me to date. However, I really like the idea of a screen which isn’t backlit that you can read like a page.

The handiness of an e-reader really appeals to me as it would mean I would never again suffer the horror of running our of book – you know, when you think you still have another couple of chapters and it turns out it’s the first bit of the next book in the series along with a load of adverts for other books? I hate that. And it always seems to happen when I’m out of the house and still have 20 minutes to kill – and no more book to read! With an e-reader I would have hundreds, if not thousands, of books in my bag all the time without the bulk and weight of physical books.

I also review books for authors and publishers, but more and more of these are being offered as e-books only and I feel I’m missing out on some gems by not having an e-reader. I really hope Santa reads this and brings me one for Xmas – the new Kindle would be nice and it’s not too expensive!

Will an e-reader ever replace real books for me? No. I love the feel and smell of a book in my hands, and the experience of turning the pages. I will always have my real books, but an e-reader would make reading on the go that little bit simpler.

15 responses to “Booking Through Thursday – E-volution

  1. Palm Trees & Bare Feet

    Yes, e-readers are very handy and you never do run out of books! 🙂

  2. I felt the way you do about reading paper books only, until I had to read a very long book and found the Kindle helped me get through it easily. Now I’m hooked.

  3. I agree – I don’t think e-Readers will ever replace real books, but it’s nice to have that choice – maybe for when traveling. I don’t have one yet either, but I might get one in the future.

  4. Oh I agree, if I did a lot of traveling e-readers would be the way to go. But for now I am still a book page turner.

  5. LOL! I’m with you on hoping Santa brings me one for Christmas…or actually I like to call Santa — Mommy-Claus!

    Trish – My BTT Post

  6. With an e-reader I would have hundreds, if not thousands, of books in my bag all the time without the bulk and weight of physical books.

    The best part for certain. And I never thought I’d prefer eBooks to print, but after having the Nook for so long, I really prefer it over print books!

  7. It is nice to always have a constant flow of books! I also hate running out of things to read!

    Here’s my answer –

  8. I haven’t tried a non-backlit e-reader but I’m worried they’ll be just as headache inducing as the backlit ones.

    My BTT post is here if you’d like a look 🙂

  9. I still prefer “real” books, too. But e-books and e-readers definitely have attractions. So far, I’m happy with my iPad, but I’m thinking a Kindle or Nook might be out there in my future.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and happy reading (e- or otherwise)!

  10. I love my ereader, plus it’s so easy to find a book no it – instead of going through boxes of books until I find the one I’m looking for.

  11. I absolutely agree! Kindle is in my wishlist too! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Lots of benefits to an eReader, though I doubt print books will ever go away. Thanks for visiting!

  13. The price of eReaders has gone down by leaps and bounds (the cheapest seems to be the $79 Kindle), so I do expect more people to take the plunge, and for it to be included in many Christmas wish lists 🙂 Hope you get your wish!

  14. Since I take public transit to and from work on a regular basis, I would really like to have one, especially for the large, bulky books that I seem to borrow from the library, also when I go on vacation, I don’t want to be hauling around 3 or 4 heavy books, if I can help it.