Musing Mondays

Hosted by Should Be Reading

Would you say that you read about the same amount now as when you were younger? More? Less? Why?
I used to read an average of around 125-150 books each year. Some were re-reads and some were completely new to me, but that was roughly how much reading I did (this was perhaps from my mid-teens onwards), depending on how thick the books were and how much I enjoyed them. I never ditched a book half-read – each one was read to the very end.

As I got older, I realised I didn’t have to finish a book if I wasn’t enjoying it and introduced a rule that if I wasn’t enjoying a book by page 100, it would get ditched. I later amended this to 50 pages. As a result, I started a lot of books, but didn’t necessarily finish them all, so this affected my totals directly, although I was still averaging around 125 each year.

Then I got pregnant with my son, Xander. I found I was too tired and listless to read as much as I used to and my reading took a huge dip. The year he was born (at the end of September 2008) I only read 58 books – a significant drop. During the first year of being a Mum, it dropped a little further and I slowed to a rate of one book each week for a total of 52. In 2010 I increased sightly to 58 again and this year I have so far read 70, so you can see I’m starting to edge back up to my previous levels.

So, no – I don’t read quite as much as I used to, but that’s because my time is occupied in other ways, such as running around after my energetic little’un (I also took up cross stitching again in 2009), but it’s starting to increase again. Will I ever read as much as I used to and get through 125-150 books each year? Well, let’s just say, Mount To-Be-Read is the beginnings of my collection for retirement!

11 responses to “Musing Mondays

  1. I probably read around 150 books in a year too, when I was younger. 🙂 After that I haven’t actually even count them, until now, of course, since I found goodreads 🙂

  2. Palm Trees & Bare Feet

    First off, I love your son’s name, Xander. Very unique! Do you know what it means?

    I too read a lot when I was younger, but then stopped reading for awhile. Now, I’m back to reading quite a bit! 🙂

    • It’s a shortened version of Alexander which means “Protector Of Mankind” (although, our son is Xander, rather than Alexander). His middle name is Hayden, which means “Heathen”, so he’s essentially Protector of Heathens, which is appropriate because I’m Pagan – LOL!. 😉

      • Palm Trees & Bare Feet

        I love it! One of my boy names I have picked out is Hayden also, along with Damian and Andre (but with an accent over the “e”)! 🙂

  3. Sure, sometimes you have more obligations in your life and less time to read and sometimes you have fewer obligations and more time…but I have always been a reader and hopefully, always will be!

  4. It’s totally understandable that you read less now. 🙂 As for me, I read more now than I did when I was younger. 🙂
    Here’s my Musing Mondays post
    Happy Halloween!
    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  5. It’s always hard to find time to read when life is so busy, makes me miss being a kid again. 🙂

    Happy Halloween!

  6. I read MUCH less for pleasure. Most of my career I’ve been teaching and taking classes at night, so there was always reading for class, but now that I’ve graduated, that’s gone too. When I do read, I find myself reaching for easy to digest mysteries, romances, and sci-fi. Gone are the days when I reached for more intellectual/thought provoking stuff. I have recently discovered audio books and that helps a LOT if you count that as reading….I am trying to get back to a book or two a week. 🙂 I’m much happier when I read.

  7. I’ve just recently come to the conclusion that I don’t have to finish every book I start. Now I don’t waste time reading something that I don’t find interesting.

  8. I wish I could implement that rule that it’s okay not to finish a book I’m not thoroughly enjoying… I just can’t do it – I guess I’m always holding on to the hope that it might just get better and I don’t want to miss it if it does…

    • The way I see it now is that there are so many great books out there and I have a finite amount of reading time – I wouldn’t want to waste any of that time reading a book that’s not grabbing me and risk never getting to one of the others as a result! 😉