X-Stitching Xmas 2012 – May Update

Hello, my fellow Xmas X-stitchers,
And welcome to the FifTH monthly update!

I must apologise once more for my tardiness – I’m a week late again, but I have a semi valid excuse – I was knocked out by a virus and then went away for a long weekend at the point at which this post SHOULD have gone up.

Anyway, due to being extremely busy and extremely ill, I haven’t actually done much stitching for this challenge over the last month. I did finish the stitching for the Winter Quaker Bookmark but haven’t assembled it:

As you can see, I significantly shortened the design as my fabric was nowhere near long enough me to stitch it fully, but I think it worked out pretty well.

I’m switching to the LAST Saturday of the month for updates, so the June update will be posted on Saturday 30th June.

I hope all my fellow challengers will post a comment linking to their own progress so we can
cheer each other on.

Please link directly to your progress post, not to your blog homepage

Happy stitching!

6 responses to “X-Stitching Xmas 2012 – May Update

  1. Glad you’re feeling better!!

  2. tiffstitch

    Glad you’re feeling better and hope you had a nice trip as well. Here’s my post again. http://ottoplace.com/tiffstitch/29-x-stitching-xmas-challenge-2012-may-update

    I like the end of the month, after all, they are for Xmas. So it should work out perfectly for the end of the year. 🙂

  3. I’m also very late . . . here is link to my May stitching

    a couple of modest happy jigs

  4. Sorry, I am late too! I was almost done with Mr. Mittens for my May X-Stitching Christmas update. http://debbiescrossstitch.blogspot.com/2012/05/wipocalypse-and-sal-updates.html

  5. What ever happened to the X-Stitching Christmas updates for June 30 and July 28? I have two more finishes!