Know Me Better…

Hosted by I’m a Reader, Not a Writer

This week the questions are all holiday themed

Red or Green?
Depends which mood I’m in, really. Usually green, but around Xmas I definitely find myself more attracted to red!

Favorite Christmas Carol?
Specifically Xmas CAROLS? I’d have to go with Carol of the Bells, especially when performed by The Trans Siberian Orchestra – it’s awesome!

What do you want for Christmas?
Books! Always loads of books – I inevitably have a list as long as my arm, and then some, of books I desperately want, and as they’re usually by the authors I collect in hardback, I keep them for my Xmas list. Failing that, book vouchers – then I can buy the books I didn’t get from my list!

Favorite Holiday Treat?
Rum or brandy sauce! I love Xmas pudding, but I always just have a tiny bit and absolutely drown it in boozy sauce – it’s my favourite bit!

Favorite Holiday Tradition?
My favourite holiday tradition actually happens on the night of 23rd December. When we were kids, we would go to bed on 23rd December and wake up in te morning with a new nightie or set of pyjamas on the end of the bed and know that the Nighty Fairy or Pyjama Pixie had been in the night and left them so we would look our best for Santa coming on Xmas Eve. This year, Xan will be visited by the Pyjama Pixie for the first time…

6 responses to “Know Me Better…

  1. Ohh how cute the idea of Pyjama Pixie!! I love it! 🙂

  2. We do pajama’s as well, a tradition from hubby’s childhood. I like the idea of the pajama pixie bringing them!

  3. I do love red especially around the holidays. A PJ fairy sounds like fun. I love waking up to surprises!

    Visit My Know Me Better

  4. You already visited my Know Me Better 🙂 I hope you do get a kindle! They are sooooo fabulous! Best present ever.

  5. I didn’t even think of Carol of the Bells, but I do love that one, too! Wow, pajama pixie and nighty fairy? That is really cool tradition and very unique 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Somehow I missed your comment on my post like this and just came across it! I’m so sorry that it took me this long to get over here. I love your tradition with the pjs. I am right there with you on the books! I always have so many that I want, but people usually don’t get me books for whatever reason. So, that’s where my X-mas money goes. 😉